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August 2023 Chapter Newsletter

August 08, 2023 12:39 PM | Lisa Price

Word From the Chairman

Greetings fellow chapter members,

Another month down and the year is flying by. We hope that all our members are finishing the summer off with some fun family activities. Thank you to all who continue to support the chapter and attend our monthly meetings. This past month, we made some significant and exciting changes in the chapter leadership; you can read about in the below section. Next month, September, is GSX! We encourage all members to participate, either virtually or in person. For those who are attending in person, we will try to get together for group photo, so stay tuned.

As the year is moving along, the board is thinking about 2024. If you have some ideas or suggestions on how the chapter could be better and more valuable to its members, we want to hear from you! Also, if you have that feeling in your gut that you could volunteer on the board or on a committee, please let us know! Contact us at info@kcasis.org. Until next time!

Stay safe,

Jared Oakden, CPP, PSP

Chapter Chair

August Chapter Meeting

We had a great chapter meeting at the Kansas City Art Institute with a presentation by the Director of Safety and Security, Michael Raunig. Thank you for hosting us! We also got to swear in our new Chapter Secretary, Brock Josephson, PSP, with TEECOM.

We have a solid agenda planned out for the rest of the year and hope to see our local Kansas City security professionals at the next event in October. See you in September at GSX in Dallas!

September Chapter Meeting

As mentioned above, the chapter will not hold an event in September and will encourage all members to attend ASIS GSX in Dallas, TX (virtually or physically) from September 11-13. Details can be found HERE.

Chapter Leadership Announcements

Chapter Secretary

The chapter has voted Brock Josephson, Principal Consultant at TEECOM, as the new 2023 Chapter Secretary. Brock will serve in this position until the end of the year, at which time the chapter will hold a vote for the 2024 board. Congratulations, Brock, and thank you for your service!

New Chapter Committee

We are happy to announce the creation of a new chapter committee that would be called the “Social and Networking Events” committee. We are pleased to announce that this committee will be chaired by Terry Owens, Director of Security at Shamrock Trading Co. We are also happy to announce that Jeremy Bain, FDA Special Agent, and Caleb Morris, Business Development Manager at Titan Protection, have volunteered to be members on this committee. We are excited to see the fun and valuable social and networking events that this new committee will plan for our chapter members! More information and details to be shared on this effort.

Upcoming Monthly Chapter Meetings


The newly formed networking and social events committee has the next activity all planned out. The chapter will send out an email and put in the chapter calendar, but here are the details:

Date: August 24th

Time: 4pm - 6pm

Location: The Bar, 6101 Johnson Dr, Mission, KS

Thank you to AXIS Communications for sponsoring the first hour of drinks.


Our October chapter meeting will be held at Garmin International’s headquarters on October 5th. More details will be provided in the coming months.


The November chapter meeting will be held on November 8th and will include a speaker from the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The location is to be determined and more details will be shared in the coming months.


Our December event will be a casual networking event. The location and date is to be determined but will be early December.

Contact Us:

PO Box 410043,

Kansas City, MO, 64141

Email: info@kcasis.org

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