Acts as the Chapter's point of contact for the ASIS Foundation. Promotes Foundation scholarships and awards to the Chapter membership. Manages the submission of nomination forms and paperwork for Foundation scholarships and awards. Manages Chapter donations to the ASIS Foundation. *Be preferably a current member of an ASIS Council. *Stay informed of latest council news and initiatives. Report relevant developments to chapter membership at the monthly meetings or through the chapter newsletter/website. *Promote council membership to other chapter members |
Vacant |
CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE | Promotes ASIS Certifications to the Chapter membership. Develops and manages Chapter certification review programs. Assists certification candidates with the certification application and exam scheduling process. Provides Chapter media with Chapter-specific certification news.Mike Betten, CPP | Mike Betten, CPP |
COUNCIL LIAISON | A Council Liaison is a current member of an ASIS Council and: Stays informed of latest Council news and initiatives. Reports relevant developments to Chapter membership at monthly meetings, newsletter, website, or social media accounts. | Vanant |
Law Enforcement Liaison is the Chapter's primary point of contact for law enforcement officials and: Promotes private and public partnerships, and information sharing with local law enforcement entities. Assists with the planning of Law Enforcement Appreciation Night. Promotes ASIS International to law enforcement professionals. |
Mike Betten, CPP |
LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE | The Legislative Committee: Stays informed of the latest policy issues affecting the security industry both locally and nationally. Reports to Chapter membership at meetings or through Chapter website, newsletter, or social media accounts. | Vacant |
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE | The Membership Committee: Assists the Chapter Secretary with managing the Chapter membership roster and distribution lists. Develops and manages membership recruitment and retention efforts. Welcomes new members to the Chapter. Remains current with the latest membership news and any changes to ASIS membership policies. | Vacant |
MENTORSHIP PROGRAM COMMITTEE | The Mentorship Program Committee: Develops and manages the Chapter's Mentoring Security Leaders Program using the resources developed by the ASIS Leadership & Management Practices Council. Identifies mentors and protégés to take part in the program. Assists mentors and protégés with necessary program documentation and evaluation forms. | Vacant |
MILITARY LIAISON | The Military Liaison is the Chapter's primary point of contact for military personnel and: Identifies and recruits military personnel for ASIS membership. Works with the Chapter's Program Chair to develop military/public to private transition relevant education sessions. Apprises chapter leaders/members of Military Liaison Council produces resources. Assists with identifying mentors/protégés to participate in the Chapter's mentoring program. | Wes Griffith |
NOMINATING COMMITTEE | Nominates from the Chapter's members in good standing, willing-to-serve candidates for election to the offices of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. Ensures each nominated individuals is a member in good standing with ASIS International. Ensures that each nominated individual is available to attend Chapter functions and able to commit a responsible amount of time to the Chapter officer. Submits in writing names of its nominees to the Secretary of the Chapter at least 15 days prior to the annual business meeting of the Chapter for elections. | Vacant |
PLACEMENT COMMITTEE / EXECUTIVE REFERRAL | The Placement Committee: Seeks out job opportunities to promote to the Chapter membership. Assists Chapter members looking for employment. Develops content for the Chapter's job section on the website. Utilizes ASIS International's Career Center Website as a resource to assist local members. | Vacant |
The Women In Security (WIS) Liaison is the Chapter's primary point of contact for WIS news and Identifies and recruits other individuals in the WIS group to join the initiative. Plans and coordinates the Chapter's annual WIS recognition event. Works with the Chapter's Program Chair to develop WIS-related education sessions. |
Brandee Gary |
YOUNG PROFESSIONALS LIAISON | The Young Professionals (YP) Liaison is the Chapter's primary point of contact for YP news and: Identifies and recruits other individuals in the YP age group to join the initiative. Plans and coordinates YP social and networking events for the YP group. Works with the Chapter Program Chair to develop YP-related education sessions. |
Alana Hanly APP, PSP Email:
PUBLIC RELATIONS | The Public Relations Chair must be aware of all ASIS and chapter activities, and be knowledgeable about all aspects of ASIS to maintain his credibility and that of the chapter. Once appointed, the PR Chair should immediately make contacts in the community and the media by sending information, telephoning, and making personal visits. When attempting to "break into" a targeted organization, seek out the public relations, public information, or community affairs office, and tell them about ASIS, the chapter, and its programs. | Vacant |
The Communication Committee produces and distributes the Chapter newsletter. Manages and updates content for the Chapter's social media accounts. Ensures accounts are updated regularly in order to provide relevant information to the membership. Seeks out ways to enhance the Chapter's social media presence in order to better serve the local membership. |
Vacant |
PROGRAM COMMITTEE | The Program Committee: Assists the Chair and Vice Chair with Chapter meeting scheduling and planning. Manages all speaker scheduling and relations. Plans and manages Chapter educational programs, seminars, exhibits, networking, and social events. Surveys Chapter members to determine interest and identify relevant topics for Chapter meetings/events. | Michael Taylor |
WEBMASTER | The Chapter Webmaster: Manages and updates content for the Chapter website. Ensures the website is updated regularly in order to provide relevant information to the membership. Seeks out ways to enhance the Chapter's web present in order to better serve the local membership. |
Thomas Keary, CPP |
HOSPITALITY CHAIR | Chapter meeting logistics (Set-up, Sign-in, “timekeeper”, etc.). Manage chapter inventory and equipment (banners, displays, etc.). Enforce chapter rules and regulations. | Renee Wakefield-Campbell |
HISTORIAN | Vacant |
Jared Oakden |