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KC ASIS February Newsletter

February 27, 2020 7:47 PM | Richard Dunn, CPP

February 2020
Chapter 50 Newsletter


60th Anniversary 1960 - 2020

All year we will be celebrating our 60th Anniversary.  We are planning some very exciting events, so stay tuned. The board and committee chairs are working hard to put together innovative projects.  Some items that we have already accomplished are:

  1.   Developing Challenge Coins for the Chapter 
  2.   Forgave 2018 and earlier balances
  3.   Combined the Law Enforcement Luncheon with Physical Security Showcase
  4.   Establishment of Chapter ASIS Connects Community Page
  5.   Received updated copy of Chapter Charter
  6.   We are starting a membership drive for the chapter, details will be announced shortly
  7.   Purchase of Credit Card reader for luncheon payments. 

We are still looking for Chapter Committee Chair volunteers. If you are interested contact a board member or email info@kcasis.orgClick Here for volunteer opportunities.

Legislative Committee

Mentorship Program Committee

Public Relations

Communication Committee

Border Showdown

Scholarship and Award submission season has begun.  Please look at the below opportunities and apply or make a nomination.

ASIS International Public-Private Partnership Grant in honor of Matthew Simeone; 28 Jan open enrollment (Link: Scholarship and Grants)

ASIS International Foundation Scholarships; 1 Feb open enrollment (Link: Scholarship and Grants)
     i.     Career Development Scholarships
     ii.    Career Development Scholarships
     iii.    Law Enforcement Liaison Certification Scholarships
     iv.    MLC Military Certification Scholarships
     v.     IFPO Certified Protection Officer (CPO) Scholarships
     vi.    IFPO Certified in Security Supervision and Management (CSSM) Scholarships  

Kansas City Chapter Awards; 1 Feb open enrollment (Link: KC Awards)
       i.  Thomas R. Meyers Award
       ii.  Security Professional of the Year       
       iii. Security Officer of the Year 

Best Regards,
Richard Dunn CPP
KC ASIS Chapter Chairman

 NEWS FROM CHAPTER COMMITTEES                       

Young Professionals - Anyone interested in becoming a mentor to a young security professional or seeking a mentor contact Brock Josephson (brock.josephson@1898andco.com)

Chapter Historian - An interesting article from the February 2000 newsletter, describing the first awarding of the Security Professional Award. Click the link to read the full newsletter: February 2000 Newsletter.


ASIS International W.I.S. mid-year event will be May 14th at Facebook HQ (Menlo Park, CA).   The website for this event will launch sometime in April-May.   20 W.I.S. members scholarships will be awarded for $1500 to cover room and airfare.

LATAM ASIS WIS (LATIN AMERICA WIS)  will have an event Aug 20-21 in Cancun, Mexico at the Hotel Grand Fiesta Americana Coral Beach (www.forowis.com) for Registration details  WIS LATM-  Maria Septien@forowis2020.gmail.com or +52 55 4340 0525. 

ASIS International HQ is launching a pilot with newly established ESRM Community. (HQ is wanting to switch from using the term Councils to Communities.)  Goal is to begin rollout with current councils by the second quarter 2020.l


A new feature that we are incoorporating this year is corporate sponsorship of the chapter website.  Advertising on KCASIS.org  provides your organization with an excellent marketing opportunity that enables you to reach a well defined demographic of security professionals. As a Chapter sponsor your company logo will be prominently displayed on a revolving  banner located at the bottom of the KCASIS.org home page. A click through on your company logo opens a page to your company’s URL that you define.  See FULL details by clicking on the link: Website Sponsorship<


Please welcome our newest chapter members:

Joe Brethauer; Nelson-Atkins
Patricia Claxton; U.S.Bank
Glenn Garrison; TED Systems LLC
Susan Hutchcraft; NRA
Shawn Reynolds; Olathe Police Department


Click Here for February Chapter Financials


ASIS Greater Kansas City - 2020 CPP Study Session - March 3, 17 & 31st, April 14 & 28  
The Kansas City ASIS International Chapter will be holding its annual CPP Study session. The 5 sessions are spread over 2 months.  Sessions will meet on Tuesday mornings from 9:00am to 11:00am.   If interested, please register through the ASIS Greater Kansas City website and RSVP with Mike Betten.  See FULL details by clicking on the link: CPP Study session.

AT&T Tour -  March 05, 2020, 11:15 - 1:00 PM
Tour of the AT&T facility that recently completed security upgrades to their building as DTV Operations was moved from California to the Kansas City Metro.  This facility now houses both DTV and Uverse operations for the entire country making it a significant economic terrorism target. See FULL details by clicking on the link: AT&T Tour

Security Trivia and Networking Event - April 08, 2020, 4:30 - 7:30 PM
You think you know Security? Greater Kansas City ASIS is mixing it up and wants to put your knowledge to the test – trivia style. This is a great opportunity for a team builder so bring your fellow security professionals! See FULL details by clicking on the link: Trivia

Cannabis Security -  May 7, 2020, 11:00 - 1:30 PM
Frontier Justice at the Lees Summit location. See FULL details by clicking on the link: TBD

Physical Security Showcase & Law Enforcement Luncheon - June 04, 2020, 7:30 - 2:00 PM
Hear from top industry experts about the current state of security technology. Explore live demonstrations as select manufactures display their most up-to-date equipment and systems. Enjoy lunch with professional dedicated to security for some of the region’s largest companies. New this year, Law Enforcement Luncheon will be incorporated into this great event. 
Vendor Registration Now Open: Vendor
Participant Registration: TBD
Law Enforcement Luncheon: TBD

Click Here to See All Coming Events


Contact Us:

PO Box 410043,

Kansas City, MO, 64141

Email: info@kcasis.org

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