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KC ASIS June Newsletter

July 22, 2020 8:48 PM | Richard Dunn, CPP


June 2020 
Chapter 50 Newsletter



60th Anniversary 1960 - 2020

I hope that our members, colleagues, families, and friends continue to stay healthy and safe during these challenging times. Just when you thought things couldn't get stranger, June happened. We have finished our fourth month dealing with COVID-19 in Kansas City, and the new normal is starting to settle in. It feels like a life time ago that we had our last in person chapter luncheon, hopefully in August we will be able to have an in-person event.  2020 is half way over, but the Chapter is still striving to provide engaging topics and events. The board and I appreciate everyone's patience and support as we continue to find novel ways to provide quality presentations and events for the chapter. 

The Greater Kansas City Chapter is not the only organization to be affected by the Corona virus. GSX is transitioning to a virtual-only environment for its 2020 event, GSX+ is a fully virtual experience that includes CPE-eligible education sessions, a robust Marketplace (virtual exhibit hall), and peer-to-peer networking. View the GSX+ Schedule At-a-Glance.  .

In support of Officer Mike Mosher's family, please consider making a donation in memory of Officer Mosher please, memorial page.

Again, I'm truly honored and humbled to be the 2020 Chapter Chair for this great organization. If you have any questions or recommendations please contact me at chairman@kcasis.org.

Best Regards,

Rick Dunn, CPP
KC ASIS Chapter Chairman

June Chapter Events

We had a very timely virtual Chapter meeting for June, the topic of the event was social protests.  Our special guest was Ben Werner from Honeywell FM&T.

  NEWS FROM CHAPTER COMMITTEES                       


  • The board is looking for ideas for the 2021 Public-Private Partnership (P3) Grant, this grant is awarded to a full-service law enforcement agency to support an active P3 program.

We are still looking for Chapter Committee Chair volunteers to finish out the year. If you are interested contact a board member or email info@kcasis.orgClick Here for volunteer opportunities.

Legislative Committee

Mentorship Program Committee

Public Relations

Communication Committee


Click Here for Chapter Financials


Please welcome our newest chapter members:

John Brown  - Iron Arsenal

Lucas Jury - Burns & McDonnell


Interface - July 16, 2020, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Overland Park Convention Center

ASIS Greater Kansas City 2020 Golf Charity Event August 12, 2020

2021 Golf Tournament is being scheduled for May.

Click Here to See All Coming Events

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PO Box 410043,

Kansas City, MO, 64141

Email: info@kcasis.org

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