60th Anniversary 1960 - 2020
I hope that our members, colleagues, families, and friends continue to stay healthy and safe. It feels that we are now in a new normal, things are opening up but with new protocols. GSX+ took place completely online, schools have opened in-person, virtually and hybrid, and businesses are learning how to operate in this new environment. Even our beloved Royals and Chiefs have taken the field, with minimum fans in the seats.
This month we had the opportunity to honor and present the Clarence M. Kelley Award to Chief Thomas Hongslo, Lenexa, KS Police Department. Bill Carroll, Chapter Vice-Chair presented the award with Kansas City Crime Commission President, Rick Armstrong. The presentation was recorded and presented at the Crime Commission virtual annual luncheon ceremony.
The chapter was honored at the recent GSX+ with the Best Website Award, and was runner-up for Best Newsletter Award. This year has been challenging, but we have continued to persevere to be the best chapter possible. The chapter board looks forward to the time when we can all meet again in person, sometime in mid-2021. We will continue to plan and host informative events and find ways where we can socialize virtually. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing everyone at our next virtual event.
Best Regards,
Rick Dunn, CPP
KC ASIS Chapter Chair