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KC ASIS/InfraGard WEBINAR - Greater Kansas City Security Response to COVID-19

  • April 07, 2020
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar

KC-ASIS and InfraGard KC are holding an online education panel discussion  on the actions that different Greater Kansas City agencies and companies are taking during this pandemic.  The panel will discuss issues within  their area of expertise, and current steps/best practices they are taking to deal with this issue.  The discussion will end with a Q&A.

Panel members:
Susan Butts (Cox Health)
Trina Ricketts (Ogletree Deakins)
Donna Gomez (Johnson County)
Robert Hope (Burns & McDonald)
Dan Arnold (Securitas)
Philip Lantz (Black & Veatch)

There is no requirement to register just join the meeting by following the below instructions. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 392 826 817

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Meeting ID: 392 826 817
Find your local number: https://asisonline.zoom.us/u/a9YKtQLsH

Contact Us:

PO Box 410043,

Kansas City, MO, 64141

Email: info@kcasis.org

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