We will discuss a basic introduction to the cannabis industry as a whole across the globe, a brief touch on some of the requirements pertaining to the local area, and some ideas for how to get work in the industry.
Guest Speakers:
Timothy Sutton, CPP,PSP,CHPA
Timothy Sutton has more than 30 years of security experience. His
expertise includes operational security management and program
development, loss prevention, physical security and risk assessments, and
technical security systems design and implementation. He has worked
with clients in diverse sectors including medicinal and adult-use cannabis,
healthcare, retail, government, manufacturing, and multi-use properties.
Carrie Goetz
Carrie Goetz, Principal/CTO, StrategITcom, personifies nearly 40 years of global experience designing, running and auditing, data centers, IT departments, and intelligent buildings. She is an international keynote speaker and is published in 69 countries in over 250 publications. She holds an honorary doctorate in Mission Critical Operations, RCDD/NTS, PSP, CNID, CDCP, CSM-Agile, AWS CCP and is a Master Infrastructure Mason with 40+ certifications throughout her career. She is on the WIMCO national education committee and a long-time participant in 7x24 Exchange, AFCOM and Data Center Institute board of advisors, Mission Critical Advisory Board, Women in Data Centers, Cnet Technical Curriculum Advisory Board, a member of BICSI, Women in BICSI, and an Education committee member. She is the chapter chair, college and women outreach officer for ASIS MS and a frequent mentor in the industry.
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